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Teaching coordinator :

Matteo Ciccotti

Teaching staff :
José Bico
Pascal Kurowski

Research center

Level : 2nd year

Course Language : French

Term : core curriculum

Number of hours : 28

ECTS Credits : 4,5
MSM2 Mechanics of solids and materials II
Teaching site :
Lectures: 18 h - Tutorials: 6 h - Preceptorship: 4 h


This course in the Mechanics of Solids is oriented towards the mechanical properties of materials. After some revision of the fundamental concepts of stress, deformation and elastic energy (treated in the 1st year classes), we will develop the principal types of behavior showing their physical origins. Viscoelastic and plastic characteristics, and fracture of large classes of materials are considered in parallel with a study of the corresponding constitutive equations which govern their behavior. A study of simple solicitations will lead to ideas guiding the choice of a particular material depending on the application envisaged (e.g. structure and loading). A methodology with reduced formalism will be employed to address the physical modeling of more complex situations encountered in everyday life or in modern applications.


  • General notions on material strength and continuum mechanics
  • Classes of materials and constitutive behaviors
  • Solution of 3D elastic problems (stress and energy approaches, scaling laws)
  • Elastodynamics: waves, vibrations, shocks
  • Viscoelastic behavior: rheological models, time and frequency representations, polymers
  • Plastic behavior: 1D models, strain hardening functions
  • 3D yield criteria and flow rule
  • Linear elastic fracture mechanics (stress and energy approaches)
  • Brittle and ductile fracture : mechanisms of energy dissipation
  • Contact, adhesion and friction
  • Instabilities and morphogenesis


Exercises from previous years exams will be addressed to get a proper training to the final exam.


Novel topics are developed every year to get acquainted with scaling methods and to treat advanced topics going beyond the main core of the course.

Links to other course modules

In the frame of the laboratory sessions of the Fluids mechanics course, 4 experiments are dedicated to solids:

  • measuring the stress field around a crack tip
  • beam vibrations
  • delamination of thin films
  • elastoplastic behavior of glassy polymers

Requirements : Fundamentals of continuum mechanics and linear elasticity (Mechanics of solids and materials I course).

Evaluation mechanism : Written examination (part A: MCQ, part B: exercices based on scaling methods).

Last Modification : Thursday 1 June 2017

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