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Open CourseWare >> Physique
Teaching coordinator :

Vincent Croquette

Teaching staff :
Isabelle Rivals
Maxime Ardré
François-Xavier Lyonnet du Moutier

Research center

Level : 3rd year

Course Language : English

Term : physics option

Number of hours : 24

ECTS Credits : 3,5
PM Physics of measurement
Teaching site :
Lectures: 13 h - Laboratory sessions: 11 h


The goals of this lectures are as follows :

  • Provide technical bases of signal filtering
  • Evidence the many uses of Fourier Transform for linear systems
  • Introduce to non-linear problems and some of their characteristics.


  1. Non-linear systems and introduction to chaos
  2. Classical concepts on signal processing

    • Laws of probability and applications to noisy signals
    • Central limit theorem
    • Its direct application to an experimental signal does not work!
    • Correlation time of an experimental signal
    • Averaging and lock-in detection

  3. 1D Fourier transform

    • Signal decomposition on an orthogonal basis, example
    • orthogonal polynomials
    • Harmonics, Dirac signal, importance of phase
    • Fourier, an ideal basis for linear equations
    • Discrete transform and periodic signals. Principle of 2N FFT algorithm
    • Artefacts in FFT
    • Filtering, correlation, convolution, applications

  4. Digitising and Shannon's theorem

    • Filtering before digital conversion, aliasing
    • Case of a camera, consequence of the lack of filtering in the time domain

  5. 2D Fourier transform

    • Convolution and deconvolution, sharpening a blurred photograph
    • Reconstructing an image in Fourier space
    • X-rays - Principle of tomography
    • New microscopy techniques with a greater optical resolution than that given by the Rayleigh criterion

  6. Physics of noise

    • Different types of noise and their physical origins
    • Shot noise and measurement of the elementary charge
    • Noise of a resistor, analogy with Brownian motion. Fluctuation-dissipation theorem
    • Spectral characteristics of physical noise. Spectral density of noise. 1/f noise
    • Noise variation with temperature
    • Adaptation of an amplifier in a measurement system

Laboratory sessions

Three half-day sessions are devoted to:

  • Image and signal processing : rotation of images either simulated or recorded in tiff and jpeg formats. Filtering applied to signals, simulated images (fractals from Julia and Mandelbrot) and real images.
  • Particle Image Velocimetry algorithm (PIV): this method enables to measure the velocity field of small particles advected by a fluid flow using video recording.
  • Tomography reconstruction: reconstructing a 2D image using a set of 1D projections performed at different angles around the same axis.

Evaluation mechanism : a 2h written examination, and a report + matlab program illustrating one of the themes of the laboratory sessions.

Last Modification : Wednesday 8 March 2017

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