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Open CourseWare >> Chemistry
Teaching coordinator :

Cécile Monteux

Research center

Level : 3rd year

Course Language : English

Term : physical chemistry option

Number of hours : 30

ECTS Credits : 4
MA Advanced materials
Teaching site :
Lectures: 24h - Visit of a Saint-Gobain plant: one day


The objective of this conference series in English is to give an opportunity to the students to learn about research activities in academics or industry in the field of materials sciences.


This series of lectures is common with Ecole Polytechnique students within the activities of the Saint-Gobain/Ecole Polytechnique/ESPCI Chair. It consists in a series of 8 lectures (3 hours) given by professors in various fields of materials sciences. In addition a visit of a Saint-Gobain plant is scheduled for a one day trip.

The program changes every year, below is the 2017 program:
  • E. Wimmer (Materials design): ab initio numerical simulations to predict materials properties
  • U. Steiner (EPFL): photonic materials obtained by self assembly
  • P. Van Mechelen (ABB corp): Hydrogen transport in materials
  • J.-M. Tarascon (Collège de France): 20 years of development of materials for batteries
  • P. Ohashi (NIMS, Japan): Challenges in materials sciences for energy and sustainable development
  • K. Scrivener (EPFL): Cementitious materials, green chemistry in action
  • A. Saint-Jalmes (Institut Physique de Rennes): physics and chemistry challenges involved in the stabilization of aqueous foams
  • S. Granick (Korean center for basic research): For those who are bored with thermodynamics: physics of active colloids
  • Visit of Sully Saint-Gobain plant: production of glass for aeronautics industry

Evaluation mechanism : Summary of the conferences and personal literature review on a topic related to one of the conferences.

Last Modification : Thursday 23 February 2017

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