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Open CourseWare >> Physique
Teaching coordinator :

Emmanuel Bossy

Research center

Level : 3rd year

Course Language : English

Term : physics option

Number of hours : 18

ECTS Credits : 3
IM Medical imaging: from measurements to images
Teaching site :
Lectures: 18 h


To understand image formation from measured signals.


The first part of the course deals with routine imaging techniques (MRI, ultrasound, CT). The second part introduces more recent techniques, some of which still being the topic of very active research fields (elastography, photoacoustic imaging, optical nanoscopy).

Requirements : Fourier Transform. Bases on acoustic and electromagnetic wave propagation.

Evaluation mechanism : Personal homework, either based on documents to read or problems to illustrate with matlab code. Choice left to each students (amonst 3 articles or 3 problems to code).

Last Modification : Tuesday 30 May 2017

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